A Small Place in Italy, Eric Newby
Brunelleschi's Dome, Ross E. King
Love and War in the Apennines, Eric Newby
Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling, Ross E. King
Songbirds, Truffles and Wolves, Gary Paul Nabhan
The Collected Traveler of Central Italy, Collected by Barbie Kerper
Pasquale's Nose, Michael Rip
The Hills Of Tuscany, Ferenc Mate
The Stones of Florence, Mary McCarthy
The Tuscan Year, Elizabeth Romer
Umbria, Italy's Timeless Heart, Paul Hoffman
Great for flavor
Michael Dibdin mysteries
Ian Pears mysteries
Lindsay Davis mysteries (set in ancient Rome)
Nothing to Declare, Mary Morris
The Italians, Luigi Barzini
If you have time
A Valley in Italy, Lisa St. Aubin de Teran
In the Valley of the Fireflies, Peter Hobday
Good Guidebooks
Umbria, Blue Guide
Umbria, The Heritage Guide
Walking and Eating in Tuscany and Umbria, J. Lasdun & P. Davis
At A Glance Italian, Barron's
If you have` suggestions for good books or articles, please post them in the guest book on the journal page.